以 假如你有100万,你会怎么办?为题目 写一篇英语作文-凯发k8国际

以 假如你有100万,你会怎么办?为题目 写一篇英语作文

m.anhuilife.com    2024-07-30
i have 1000000, i will donate 200000 to the disaster area, 100000 to buy a car, the remaining 700000 used to travel around the world

if i have one million, i want to eat good drink good. the unfinished wish all completed.

i want to buy a car.

1、it is commonly believed that money is everything,but in my pinion,we can"t live without parents and friends. if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parentsand friend .i would put a half of it in the bank. and i would help the poors becouse they need the money, we should have sense of responsibility to help others. if i can help them,i will feel very happy.
as far as i am concerned,help others is my duty.if i still have money,i would buy some new books to read. it is indispensable to improve myself.
2、if i have one million, i can do a lot thing, i will travel around the world , visit the historicalplace, seems like maya, it bring me into america indian period,i can learn america indian culture. i will use that money to invest: buy stocks and insurance that 's the way to make more money to help more people , i mean to donate money for help people who need helpas you know , helping behavior make us happy。
3、if i have 1 million, how should i consumption?
i would take out 100000 yuan, to help get home, the poor can't afford on the school children, and give them to pay tuition. to others buy him what you want, back to work at the factory on people buy 10 cases of coca-cola, make them work a than a spirit, let the boss give them some wages and reward, to let them live a good life.
if i have one million, i'll buy me some toys, such as: the raider buggies. the yo-yo. video games. mobile phone...... i want to buy some stationery: automatic pen. pen. rubber. neutral pen......
if i have one million, i'll give my mother to buy a big house, in to father to buy a mercedes, let my father took the mother to the streets around.
if i have one million, i'll give grandpa's grandmother buy a medicine against death, even if the world there is no medicine against death i will let grandpa's grandmother prolong life, let them live a happy, healthy and prosperous day.
if i have one million, i'll give brother open a coal yard let him make a make red ticket, the future take a beautiful wife.
if i have one million, i'll travel abroad, travel around the world, the united states. japan. europe, let foreigners know we chinese have the money.
if i have one million, i'll develop a great software company, the construction of some relevant learning software, let the children in the study more happy to learn, even happy life.

15954553229&&如果你有100万,你会做什么? - 》》》 如果我有100万,我会有计划的花,我会创业,决不会做出坐吃山空的举动.我会想到我的亲人,如何报答他[她]们.做一个负责任的人.

15954553229&&假如你有100万,你想做什么事情? - 》》》 现在的社会上一百万并不算什么很富有的人,现在社会上有许多千万富翁,亿万富翁.如果我有一百万,我需要做的是第一买一辆车.第二完成自己的学业,第三出国深造第四.建立自己的工厂.拥有自己的员工和产品.

15954553229&&如果你有100万你会怎么办? - 》》》 我会想尽一切办法,用尽一切手段,把它变成200万,300万,甚至更多.当然,通过合法手段....

15954553229&&以 假如你有100万,你会怎么办?为题目 写一篇英语作文 - 》》》[答案] 参考范文: 1、it is commonly believed that money is everything,but in my pinion,we can"t live without parents and friends.if ... i mean to donate money for help people who need helpas you know ,helping behavior make us happy. 3、if i have 1 million,...

15954553229&&假如你有100万人民币,你会干什么 - 》》》 天降100万这和中彩票一样,一百个人有一百个想法,但都会花在自己前想要但没有钱买的地方.

15954553229&&假如你有了100万,你会做什么, - 》》》 没钱的时候我会选择炒股,如果低于50万,我都会拿来炒股.但钱多了就不想炒股了,如果有一百万我一定会开一个报社,那种依附于大报社的小型报社,专门做广告宣传的,比如买卖房屋,转让店面,招聘等信息.感觉前景不错.

15954553229&&假如你有100万,你想做什么? - 》》》 假如我有100万,我会出去考察,找个好项目投资,让自己更加充实,人就应该不断的努力,积极进取.干一番事业才行.如若总是无所事事,整个人就会颓废了.

15954553229&&如果你有100万你会用来做什么? - 》》》 要合理计划哦,拿一部分去存起来以备日后用,拿一部分去做好事比如帮助贫困儿童,拿一部分去投资做生意,拿一部分来用于孩子的教育.我觉得钱本来就是身外之物,留一部分自己用外,其他的尽量做些好事,这样会好一点.

15954553229&&如果现在你有100万你会做什么? - 》》》 如果我有一百万,首先买个房子,让自己有个家,找个爱我的人,多余的钱做点投资.挣更多的钱,做个成功人生

15954553229&&如果你有一百万你会怎么用? - 》》》 首先确定你是什么样的人:1、商人:用这一百万投资创业,以得到几个甚至几十个百万.2、闲人:首先得买养老保险了,并计划好一月该花多少钱,不裕不挤,自在人生了.3、庸人:整天花天酒地,不多久就搞定这一百万啦
